Genre: Rezensionen
20.04.2012 -
Din Brad - Dor
20.04.2012 -
Mundtot - Spätsommer
20.04.2012 -
Paradise Lost - Tragic Idol
20.04.2012 -
Grendel - Timewave Zero
20.04.2012 -
The Eternal Fall - MM - MMXII
19.04.2012 -
Cdatakill - Battleworn
18.04.2012 -
Control - The Resistance
13.04.2012 -
Motor - Man Made Machine
13.04.2012 -
Bionic - Meadowland
13.04.2012 -
Axiome - Ten Hymns For Sorbetière Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Freezer
13.04.2012 -
Paranoid Android - No way out
09.04.2012 -
Sleep Research Facility - Stealth
06.04.2012 -
SCSI-9 - Metamorphosis
06.04.2012 -
Carved Souls - Waveform
06.04.2012 -
Wumpscut - Women and Satan first
06.04.2012 -
Cinemascape - The Falling Impossible
02.04.2012 -
Guilt Trip - Feed The Fire