Tvinna ist eine international aufgestellte Band bestehend aus Laura Fella (Faun), Fiona Rüggeberg (Faun) und Fieke van den Hurk (Musikerin/Produzentin von u.a. Eivør, Omnia, Cesair). Die Band gründete sich 2017 mit der Hilfe von Fabienne Erni (Eluveitie) um weiblichen Gesang und Power zu Hauptaugenmerk zu machen. Gemeinsam verwandeln Laura, Fiona und Fieke den Kern der Weiblichkeit in Musik, um zu verstärken, ermutigen und erwecken, was einst zum schlummern gebracht wurde. Mehrsimmiger Gesang, Akkordeon und Elektrosounds – begleitet von Rafael Salzmann (Eluveitie) an der Gitarre und Bass sowie Jasper Barendregt (Dodecahedron, Ulsect) an den Drums & Beats - verbinden und beschwören ein intensives, musikalisches Erlebnis.
Tvinna sagt über den Song: "”The Gore” tells you about Life. The life that runs through our veins, which is carrying our past, our present and our future along with it. With this song we reflect on our everlasting connectedness, this unescapable secret of Nature that we carry deep within ourselves. The song is telling of the lives, the loves and the sufferings of those before us - our mothers, our sisters, our fathers and our brothers - and about where we may find their traces. It is the connection between every single one of us - a song about the blood that soaks our earth. “The Gore” has been the first song that the three of us - Fieke, Fiona and Laura - wrote together and therefore the first song that was brought to life by putting our three hearts and souls into it. As the song deals with a topic which is both so intricate and huge as our interconnectedness, we are curiously looking forward to experience what will be awakened in those hearing and watching “The Gore”."