Das Power-Pop-Quartett Charly Bliss hat bei den bisherigen Singles ihres zweiten Albums "Young Enough" stets mit spektakulären Videos begeistern können. Auch beim Clip zur Single-Auskopplung des Titeltracks lässt sich die Band aus Brooklyn nicht lumpen. Das Video zum epischen, fünfeinhalbminütigen "Young Enough" wartet unter anderem mit einigen eleganten versteckten Schnitten und Kamerafahrten in Hochgeschwindigkeit auf.
Im Fokus steht darin erneut die charismatische Frontfrau Eva Hendricks, die sich wie folgt zum Clip äußert: "This video is so magical and unlike anything we’ve ever made before. I told (director) Henry Kaplan that I was feeling inspired by the video for Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush, and he took that initial idea and made something totally beautiful and unique that’s as cinematic and sentimental as the song. Despite the fact that this video looks so dreamlike and serene, it was very physically draining to make. The entire crew and anyone who wasn’t in a given shot had to sprint behind the steadicam op so that they wouldn’t be seen and ruin the effect of the giant open field where we were shooting. Between that, the choreography, racing to utilize available daylight, speeding up and slowing down the track to achieve the slow-motion and fast-motion effects, and trying to get perfect, full takes because there’s so few cuts, this was an extremely challenging video to make, but for that reason it’s also our favourite".
Auch zum Song selbst erläutert Eva einige Hintergründe: “For so many reasons, “Young Enough” is the centrepiece of this album. This is a song about perspective, nostalgia and growing up. The first time that I fell in love it was tumultuous and frustrating, but I think all of the endless drama made me believe that it was “worth it.” Sort of like the Twilight-movie trope that relationships that are the most painful are the most romantic. Instead of writing about it through the lens of anger and frustration, I wanted to write a song that was really honest about the fact that I really loved this person, and regardless of how messy it was and how immature we both were, I was both grateful for the experience but also grateful that I’ve grown up and out of believing that being in love should be so hard.”
Pünktlich zum Release ihres aktuellen Albums "Young Enough" tourten Charly Bliss im Mai erstmals durch Europa und gastierten dabei auch in Berlin und Hamburg. Im Herbst wird die Gruppe erneut aus den Vereinigten Staaten in unsere Gefilde reisen. Bislang stehen sechs Termine für Headliner-Shows in Großbritannien fest - weitere Konzerte auch im deutschsprachigen Raum sind geplant und werden in Kürze bekannt gegeben.